Wisdom is known in the use of time for exchange of value. Are you trading and exchanging your time with something worthwhile? How much does…
Wisdom is known in the use of time for exchange of value. Are you trading and exchanging your time with something worthwhile? How much does your 24hrs worth? How you make use of your 24hours is an indication of how wise or foolish you are. Wisdom gives priority for time. Acquire the needful at the right time. Eccl.3. There is time for everything. This does not imply you will have all the time to do everything in life but that; you will always have time for the most important things to you. And also that, there is always a right time frame for the needful.
For instance, it is not just being a graduate but a graduate at the right time. Not just acquiring education but at the right time. Not just going to school but at the right time. Not just acquiring a knowledge, information, revelation and wisdom but at the right time. Not just acquiring a skill, vocation, career, occupation and profession but at the right time. Never miss your time frame to acquire the necessary things in life. Wisdom is in the use of time. The major problem with the larger society is ‘putting the cart before the horse’ (a disconnect with wisdom early in life). To this end, rather than the blessing pursuing and overtaking you, the reverse becomes the order of the day. The pursuit today, of what ordinarily you would have acquired long ago with little or no stress is a deficiency of wisdom in time past. But, be encouraged to forge ahead with the pursuit and actualization of your dream and aspiration. Time and age should not be a barrier. Wisdom Today!
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