Paying it Forward | Triston Young
The ‘pay it forward’ mentality in America is alive and apparent in recent Morgan State University (MSU) graduate, Triston Young. Young recently received his degree…
The ‘pay it forward’ mentality in America is alive and apparent in recent Morgan State University (MSU) graduate, Triston Young. Young recently received his degree in civil engineering with a minor in entrepreneurship. He currently works as a construction project engineer at CH2 M Hill in Denver. Since the seventh grade, Young has been extensively involved with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). It was through their pre-college initiative program that Young’s passion for Science Engineering Technology and Mathematics (STEM) evolved. Later in college, he would discover a way to utilize his new found interest in STEM in a manner that not only benefited him, but others as well.
Young re-chartered the existing NSBE chapter at MSU and implemented a program, identical to the pre-college initiative program that sparked his curiosity for STEM. Within this new pre-college initiative program known as the National Society of black Engineers Junior Chapter, students in the Baltimore area are afforded the opportunity to attend presentations that spark light bulbs in their minds and lead them to pose questions such as; “what is engineering?”, “what does it mean to be an engineer, mathematician or a scientist?” The chapter also hosts workshops where students can visit MSU and gain hands-on experience working with various STEM projects.
A huge advocate of STEM, Young believes the various disciplines teach an individual a way of thinking that can be applied to any career path. The service that he is able to provide through NSBE is one that he finds rewarding, especially when he sees students whom had not considered the discipline go on to college and seek a degree in engineering. “It makes me feel like what I am doing is helping because I know that I would not be where I am now if it were not for the countless individuals that poured that knowledge into me,” Young says.
Young finds inspiration in many places, but his pride in his heritage is the driving force behind the decisions he makes. He says that African Americans have not only overcome many obstacles as a race, but that they are always continuing to progress. He too has faced many challenges, but has looked upon the advances made by people of color and his family as motivation. “I am thankful for my challenges because they have taught me a lot about myself and about working for what I want,” Young says.
Even after graduating, he continues to be involved with the NSBE Chapter at MSU acting as an adviser. While in Denver he looks forward to continuing to work with STEM, whether that means starting his own non-profit focused around the subjects or joining one in the area.
Triston Young embodies “M-Lifestyle” in that, he is an exceptional leader whose passion for progress, shattering glass ceilings and debunking stereotypes is infectious. Within minutes of speaking with him, it was apparent that the various leadership roles he held while on campus were no flukes. His poise, charisma and will to succeed are nonpareil; which makes him a force to be reckoned with. Triston Young is definitely one emerging professional worth keeping your eye on. We expect great things from him-nothing short of what he expects from himself.
images courtesy Triston Young
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Great article. It is refreshing to find media that focuses on positive, motivating and enlightening news, In short good news and celebrating good success.