How to turn a DM into a “Happily ever after”
Meeting and connecting people of various classes, statuses and sizes brings beauty and excitement to our lives. There are people you may not be able…
Meeting and connecting people of various classes, statuses and sizes brings beauty and excitement to our lives. There are people you may not be able to meet and speak to one on one in your lifetime and vice versa were it not for the internet. With social media, the world is at your fingertips. Your tentacles are spread above and beyond the latitude and longitude of your geographical domain. With social media, your circle of friends, family, connections, network and networking are broadened and expanded. You become global; operate in a frequency above and beyond restriction, limitations, obstacles and obstructions. People and places are within your reach and at your disposal. You can reach and be reached. You are a celebrity, an icon in your class, the most popular, and world famous because, the whole wide world is your marketplace. No joke!
The wall of partition between the people and the priest, the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the high and the low, the teacher and the students, the educated and the illiterate, the commissioner and the common, the hero and the zero, the able and the disabled, the nobody and the somebody and the known and the unknown is broken with the weaponry and instrumentality of chatting, pinging, YouTube, sharing, yahoo and google. Indeed, talking and communication are easy and cheap.
The Catch
Social media, is like a net thrown into the sea that catches all kinds of fishes. Today, meeting people, building businesses and establishing a romantic relationship is more or less a click away. Thus, sexual immorality, promiscuity, fornication, prostitution, divorce rate, corruption, murder, pilfering, stealing, evil communication, wrong associations, blind collaboration and inordinate affection and other vices are just a click away via social media. Yet with social media, even though deception exists, marriage relationships have been established with success.
The Search
In the course of hanging out, meeting people and socializing on social media; meeting the right set of people, particularly for marriage is not a joke and is certainly not easy. Bearing in mind there are people you would never ever wish to meet or miss in the long run. One way to look for the right people is to check their profiles, mutual friends, where they work and what they do. Check out their posts and philosophy of life. Statistics have shown that many employers search for the profile of applicants before considering them for suitable position of employment. In the same vein, single and seriously searching individuals should take their social media profiles seriously. Whatever will not make you a suitable wife/husband material should be avoided. And whatever would not represent you, your identity and brand should not be featured on your page. Thus, your personal profile should be void of ambiguity and if found to be so, you may have a rethink. Similarly, the introverts can take advantage of opportunities presented by social media platforms to interface, address, chat, associate, interact, connect, relate and woo a would-be fiancé/fiancée in free expression without fear, barrier and intimidation. The extroverts can also be cautions and learn to play down and adjust to meeting a suitor.
The Choice
In the process of meeting and connecting people, many engage and settle for self-meet, self-help and/or help-meet respectively. In other words, there is a personal responsibility beyond searching, browsing, befriending, scouting, chatting, pinging, talking and dating to finding a help-meet; help fit, help appropriate, help exact, help precise for you. However, to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, you yourself have to become Right!
By: John O. Alabi
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