There aren’t any limits for what you want or will achieve
We should be able to set our sights on a goal and see it through. But, we all know, for some of us that does…
We should be able to set our sights on a goal and see it through. But, we all know, for some of us that does not happen. This morning, I woke up from a dream where I qualified for the 2020 Olympics. As I sat at my dining room table contemplating (as I always do), what does this mean? Does 2020 represent an important life event? As unattainable as this sounds, it could happen if I do a better job of living life without limits.
Limits are meant for us to blow pass them like we are 2nd place in a 200-meter dash racing for that number one spot. How awesome would it be if I had no limits internally or externally that impacted my dreams and aspirations for the future? What is it about growing up that stifles our abilities to continue to work towards our greatest potential?
When I was in 5th grade I wrote in my yearbook that I want to become a Pediatric Oncologist. However, once I got a taste of middle and high school math and science I made the decision that math and science were not my strongest subjects.
As a growing adult I find myself saying things like “Is this what it’s going to be?” I have reached a point where I am becoming comfortable with the situations that I am in currently way too soon. Of course, I’m in my 20s the year of “WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LFE?” and trying not to fall into the trap that I allow my mind to succumb to.
I am comfortable with my job.
I am comfortable with my home life.
I am comfortable with me being me.
Mentioning what I’m comfortable with means that I’ve already begun to limit my potential because I am in a current position that I like, although it isn’t my final destination. I must remember not to get to used to the normal and the difference between myself and Olympian is dedication and consistency. Although, those two maybe huge “biggies” to some but once mastered, my journey to where I eventually want to end up will be worthwhile.
Never lose sight of what you want to accomplish in life just because you have taken a slight detour and life isn’t as Instagram pretty as you would like it to be.
There are going to be days where I’ve felt completely over my goals and trying to accomplish them, but that is when I should push even harder for what I want because the reward will feel even greater afterwards.
The limit to which you will or want to become does not exist, but if you believe it will then that is what will happen. It doesn’t matter the direction your life might take you, if you are still thinking about it, then it is worth taking a chance on. In a society where people have multiple job titles, that should be an indicator for you to do whatever you like in order to reach your truest potential. Despite what you may think about yourself at this moment you are exactly where you need to be and the limit to what you can do does not exist.
What are some limits you have that get in the way of accomplishing your goals?
By: Kaycia Sailsman
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