M-Lifestyle’s Top 5 Audience Selected Articles of 2017
M-lifestyle published a greater variety of articles than ever in 2017. Here are the top five audience selected articles that were not features: “If I…
M-lifestyle published a greater variety of articles than ever in 2017. Here are the top five audience selected articles that were not features:
“If I can advance in the U.S., why can’t you?”
In this piece, writer Bianca Onwukwe articulated herself on a personal level. Bianca broke down the difference in struggles between those who consider themselves American, and those who differentiate themselves as African immigrants. Bianca makes a point that black Americans have made it possible for African immigrants to have access to certain spaces and advantages. “Black Americans created the opportunities that all people of color have today. Without the largely criticized protests and marches, without the black women and men that risked their lives for the visibility, inclusion and ability to create our own spaces, there would be no milk and honey for us.” Bianca states that Black people are greater as a collective; African Americans and Africans of an American descent both working together and having greater understanding together.
“The Modern Day Sunken Place…Is It Too Late To Get Out?”
After the film Get Out, there was an awakening in awareness of racism. One scene in the film became a major metaphor for the injustice occurring now. In the film, the main character is hypnotized into what is called “the sunken place”. When the main character is there, he can see what is happening outside his body but has no control over it. The ultimate goal of the antagonist is to keep the main character stuck there. But the metaphor happening is that anyone of color is being silenced, and stuck in the sunken place. “The Sunken Place means we’re marginalized; no matter how hard we scream, the system silences us.” This piece was written by M-lifestyle’s Shanique Yates
6 Ways to Enhance a Child’s Life while raising him as a Single Black Father
In this list, M-Lifestyle’s Vincent White breaks down how he has raised his son as a single, black father. The categories are academically, socially, faith, engaging and empowering, inquisitiveness, and identity awareness. What it breaks down to is spending time with your child, and helping them understand who they are and how to excel. Helping them understand struggle, working with them, and learning what it is to be a decent human being are all that matter. “As a black father raising a young black boy, I HAVE to be and remain engaged and highly involved in his life; all while empowering him and building his life acumen.”
Are you settling for less, when you settle down?
Bianca Onwukwe is back and revealing what relationships in 2017 are. While everyone is labeling everything, and confusing every relationship they have; Bianca states it is better to be alone than try to label someone else. “But I’ve also met people who are like me, those who are uninterested in a lukewarm type of love, those who want their love to consume them in a much healthy way.” In learning to love yourself and know yourself-worth, you can decide how you accept others. You can decide how you accept others treatment of you. If you just accept any way someone treats you or your relationship, are you settling for less?
The Business of owning your own…life and entrepreneurship
Mea Boykins sat down for an interview with M-lifestyle and spoke on how she manages it all. A 27 year old from New Orleans, Boykins is a “non-profit & scholarship founder, event planner, fundraiser, business development consultant and international public speaker who is currently training to be a pilot. She is a graduate of Spelman College (2011), Kings College London (2013) and University of San Francisco (2016) with degrees in Psychology, Child Psychiatry & Global Entrepreneurial Management.” Boykins is experimenting with everything, while trying to help others. Boykins started S.E.A., an organization that helps disadvantaged youth and homeless individuals around the world. She has rightfully been awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award. Boykins attempts to stay grounded in herself, while trying to do right in the world.
Multiple categories are covered in these stories; racism, struggle, success and love. But what always matters in the end is knowing what is best for you and helping those that you can.
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