Inspiring People Through Travel – Fisayo Longe
When I was tasked on writing this article, I did not know what to expect – a blog? You see, in recent times, a lot…
When I was tasked on writing this article, I did not know what to expect – a blog?
You see, in recent times, a lot of blogs have sprung up; indeed a necessary boom when one considers the parallel rise of the internet savvy generation, but the quality of this blog boom is not something I can vouch for. So, after reading the transcript of the interview, I ambled on to Fisayo’s blog and I was absolutely blown off my feet. It was Booker. T. Washington who said that “…Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way…” Fisayo has definitely taken these words to heart with her blog. As I navigated through, it suddenly dawned on me that I had spent over 2 hours on the blog- I had only planned for a cursory glance. I had to draw myself away to write this piece on the visionary of Fisayo Longe.
“…Knowing that I can influence people makes me feel fulfilled”
Immediately one opens the mirrorme blog, you suddenly realize that this is no run of the mill recycled content. It is not an accident that Fisayo is able to present a blog that is a positive exception to the norm. While interviewing her, she notes “…I wouldn’t describe it as a job…” she then goes on to explain how she finds fulfillment and joy in what she does. Indeed this is key, as without such passion that redefines job to way of life, the individual will fail to spot the necessary trends or ideas to propel their own business to the height where it belongs. At this juncture, I must note that contrary to popular belief, passion is not always enough if there is no one to believe in your dreams. It is invaluable to have a partner that has your best interests at heart, for without which- business which alone is a difficult path becomes impossible to navigate. Fisayo has such a partner in her mom: her face instantly lights up as she explains that she came up with the name MirrorMe with the help of her mom and that it is her mom who has supported her immensely on her blogging journey- this finished product will have remained a fantasy but for her mom.
There seems to be a recurring theme among those we have featured recently on M-Lifestyle and this holds true even with Fisayo. She explains that what she enjoys most about the career path she has chosen is, getting emails from readers saying how she has served as an inspiration for them to travel to countries they never will have thought to. Surely this is important as St. Augustine of Hippo noted that “…the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page…” but beyond those who email Fisayo, I can attest that she brings those countries to your laptop. As I got distracted with her website, I found myself transcended to the sandy dunes of Dubai and with a click of my mouse I was sipping cocktails by the beach in Seychelles. You see, what Fisayo does is to educate and entertain concurrently- her quality pictures stir within the individual a hunger to learn and what she inadvertently does is to broaden the minds of her readers. Whether advertent or inadvertent, it aligns with Fisayo’s goals as she expounds that “…knowing that I can influence people makes me feel fulfilled…”
One must realize that success is never accidental but it is a deliberate act and this rings true with Fisayo. Her travel locations are well thought out for best effect. She tells me that she constantly reads magazines and travel blogs- but deeper than this statement one unravels an individual who is not content to sit still. Nothing wilts faster than laurels rested upon and this is one lady who is not keen to rest on any laurels. In constantly surveying the field she is able to see how and where to make improvements on her site, travel locations and fashion trends. With such an outlook she is able to choose locations that complement her fashion shoots and presents to the site visitor, a perfect blend of location and fashion- beautiful. This is not something one stumbles upon, but is the product of tireless planning and an innovative mind.
Many people will dismiss blogging as a mere hobby, others will think they can do it without much effort but I hate to burst such bubbles. When people see the glamour in such jobs they often forget the hard-work that leads to the pinnacle in any sector you wish to pursue greatness. You see Fisayo balances this job with her life as a student; often arriving home late into the night and waking up earlier than most- why? Well she is not satisfied to be an also ran in this race of success, the crown has to be won: this is only by dedication and hard-work, virtues that Fisayo is not short of.
Fisayo is not random in her travel destinations. A thread of success found in any field from medicine to fashion manifests itself also in Fisayo’s country selection process- “…deep thought and precision…” in the results that the shortlisted countries will have on her blog. For example, her eyes light up when she talks about her travel shoot in Cambodia! In the past few years, Cambodia has rebirthed itself as a tourist destination but it was not always so. Cambodia hides a sullied past under the repressive Pol Pot regime as well as the khmer Rouge torture stories, even till now there are parts of the fabric of that country that are chequered in the least. But Fisayo understands that there is more than a single story to any place and she transmits the positive ambience that exists in the country thus making a case for a Cambodia that is not all doom and gloom, not with many words but with the power of a picture. The fashion element of her blog is not lost in this as with such a broad exposé and world view, she is able to combine ideas from far flung parts of the globe to create a breath of fresh air in fashion that is not recycled or dated but innovative in its simplicity.
As advice for those who want to go into her line of work, she sounds a piece of warning: it requires passion. Blogging is not a bandwagon business because it requires perseverance for the rewards do not come immediately and it also requires consistency in the material: it is a full time job. In conclusion, she explicates that one should never compromise the quality of material on the blog, be it picture quality or writing.
For a reputation is difficult to build and easy to pull down.
images courtesy Fisayo Longe
Disclaimer: The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments, opinions on this website are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of M-Lifestyle and their affiliates. M-Lifestyle does not claim ownership of any images used, unless otherwise specified.

Nice work Mlifestyle :) great
Mitchell is an extremely brilliant writer. Is play with words are so signatory that you don’t have to scroll down to know his piece. Great story from Mlifestyle. A brand must be consistently striving for elegance and that’s another lesson from this subject. Kudos. Proud of what you guys are doing.
Great work mitch… I like the mix of quotes and vocabulary… you’ve put the word out there for fisayo…. no one could have done a better job! Cheers!!
Awesome write up..Great Job M lifestyle..Mitchell I admire your writing style. .keep it up.