Go Out With A Bang: End Of Year Resolutions
Yes, you read that right – end of the year resolutions. There are only a few weeks left of 2018 so why not go out…
Yes, you read that right – end of the year resolutions. There are only a few weeks left of 2018 so why not go out with a bang?!
It’s never too late to start that weight loss goal, lifestyle change, or personal improvement. Make it something simple and attainable, but that will have a lasting effect on you and your life. It also helps to pair your end of the year goal with your new year’s goal either from this year, or what you have coming up next year. When I started 2018 I told myself I’d develop a healthier lifestyle, change my attitude, and save money. Throughout the year, I learned ways to save including cutting back on certain items and paying off debt faster. Now my end of the year goal is to set my sights on something and save for it, so I’m saving for a cruise with my boyfriend’s family, as well as having extra money so I set my savings goal to exceed the trip, and any spending and emergency money to stick to my goals by this time next year.
Having an end of the year resolution allows you to practice self-love, and work on something to make yourself better. Everyone is busy with life, work, families, etc. but taking a few moments out of your time to do something for yourself – matters. A goal can also set you up for long-term success; saving money, or planning a vacation can have financial, and health benefits, you can start 2019 more relaxed, and ahead of what’s to come so you’re starting the year off on a positive note. We usually spend New Year’s Eve cleaning and getting ourselves and our homes ready for the new year, so its also important to start with yourself. If you want to lose weight or find some peace before the holiday madness picks up; start now, take some time for yourself, and do something to make you feel good without having to go through drastic changes – that’s what an end of the year goal is.
One way I set out to change my attitude is by removing all negativity, changing my circle and way of thinking. My end of the year goal for this is to start speaking up more, demanding and exuding respect, and self-assessment. I’m starting my healthier lifestyle now by taking classes at the YMCA, changing my eating habits, and sticking to it. It helps that I have a cruise coming up and want to look good for it.
An end of the year goal can be something big or a stepping stone to your bigger goal. If you want to buy a house by next year, make yourself an end of the year goal to fix your credit, or at least create a credit plan to attain that goal. You may have told yourself at the beginning of the year that you would take a vacation, and are now realizing you never did, there’s still time! Take a week off of work and do absolutely nothing, squeeze in a weekend getaway, or plan to take one starting in 2019.
Remember it’s not about how you start, it’s always about how you finish.
What are some end of the year goals you have?
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