White people: How some of you still don’t understand our plight in 2016 is disgraceful
In the aftermath of the loss of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Lennon Lacy- many are taking to the Internet to vocalize their hurt. Vocalize…
In the aftermath of the loss of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Lennon Lacy- many are taking to the Internet to vocalize their hurt. Vocalize their pain, their narrative, their fear and their condolences. The issue here, (in 2016 is it?), is the lack of empathy and logic from our white counterparts. In Philando Castile’s case… Where is the NRA? Where are all of these 2nd amendment rights groups that so aggressively cape for their white members’ rights?
To be white in America is to have privilege. White men, do not feel guilty about your privilege, but acknowledge it. Understand that no person of color is attempting to strip you of your narrative, but in denying your hegemonic status in society, you deny ours. Do not look your black brothers and sisters in the face and claim “All Lives Matter”. Do not make everything about you- stop feeling personally attacked when race comes up. Your discomfort is a privilege, whereas the burden of race is built into a black kid’s skin before they can speak. Do not stay silent in the face of oppression, for you too, will become an oppressor. Do not say the n-word. Do not blame your ignorance of sensitive issues for your complacency and continue to learn nothing.
Stop pulling up criminal records or traffic records of police brutality victims.
How white people do not understand the systematic racial structure of our society in 2016 is not baffling, but embarrassing. Racism is alive and well and will not “die out” unless white people can educate other white people. For it is not a black person’s responsibility to explain the desecration of their community, but to rebuild their community. White allies and skeptics alike need to wake up and take action- let us not have these issues in 2017.
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Yawn. White privilege is a myth.