North Korea Nuclear Timeline
If North Korea gets its way America could be up in smoke, and it could be all thanks to our dear old president. But how…
If North Korea gets its way America could be up in smoke, and it could be all thanks to our dear old president. But how did Trump instigate this nuclear threat?
First off, let’s look at pre -Trump era.
Since America was involved in the First World War, it has also been involved in other countries business. After World War II, the Soviet Union and America decided to split Korea, with the USSR helping the communist north and the south being under a new dictatorship employed by America. This separation didn’t last, as the north attempted to take back the south, leading to the Korean War. This ended a simple ceasefire, which is still in effect 64 years later. North Korea’s attempt at takeover lead to their ideology of “best country in the world”, even when their economy and people destabilized.
Since then North Korea has become an isolationist country, and created tension with their communist allies China and Russia. It has been known to kidnap foreign nationals, South Koreans and Japanese citizens. North Korea has also been seeking to develop nuclear weapon technology since the 1980s. When the Soviet Union collapsed, bountiful aid to North Korea also stopped and the economy suffered even more.
North Korea’s economy did not improve in the 1990s, but South Korea’s did. Threatened by their counterpart, North Korea accelerated their nuclear weapons program. During the Clinton presidency, the Agreed Framework Act was negotiated. This meant the United States agreed to help North Korea build two light-water nuclear reactors – which are not ideal for making – and provide much needed resources like oil, if North Korea agreed to cease constructing weapons capable reactors and accept international inspections. This agreement fell apart under the George Bush administration, when it was revealed that North Korea could have been engaged in nuclear weapons research.
In 2006, those conclusions were proved correct when North Korea set off its first test nuclear bomb. North Korea agreed to stop dropping bombs, but broke that in 2009 when they dropped a second one.
Under the most recent dictatorship of Kim Jung-un, things have gotten even weirder in North Korea.
In 2013, Kim had his uncle executed. North Korea’s statement on the incident was “Despicable human scum Jang, who was worse than a dog, perpetrated thrice-cursed acts of treachery in betrayal of such profound trust and warmest paternal love shown by the party and the leader for him.” But the DPNK didn’t lose sight of their love for nuclear weapons. In 2013, a third bomb was tested and then two more in 2016. The last test in September had the power of the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki.
So now we’re in Trump territory.
Kim has not been respectful of Trump the way Trump would like. Trump met Korea’s recent threats with the idea that they would be met “with fire and fury like the world has never seen”. The threats Trump has responded with seem familiar from another dictator. The DPNK responded by saying America was full of “war history” and that Trump was wreck less. And hours later North Korea was said to be examining a strike on Guam. Kim’s threats have a come a week after China, America and Russia decided to crackdown on North Korea after their second ICBM. The new restrictions on North Korea ban a lot of their imports, and will further affect their economy.
But in reality, if Trump keeps using social media to threaten dictators, it seems that these tests could turn into disaster.
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