Forget the drawing board and get started!

I once watched a home video where a gang of armed robbers planned for ten years, or there about, to rob a renowned bank in…

I once watched a home video where a gang of armed robbers planned for ten years, or there about, to rob a renowned bank in the city but never did. Only for Johnny from nowhere to execute the robbery successfully in less than a day. You will agree with me, behind every unnecessary period of waiting, planning, scheming and strategy is the monster called fear. You’re either praying or planning in fear or in faith. At the core of planning and scheming is usually fear. In reality there’s no time for fear. Leave the drawing board. Go to the field. Get it wrong if you may. Sit down and do it again. No time. Simply get started and overcome the fear of getting started! Leave the drawing board, get rid of it or forget it entirely.

Leap before you look: Leap before you look? Yes. Recall your first giant stride to walk as a kid. Did you wait for expert opinions? Did you wait for advice of relatives, friends, well-wishers or enemies? Were you lectured on how to overcome fear? What happened? You just did it. You took the risk. The little YOU was brave, bold, and daring. Did I say those things are not necessary? No. But, they are not as important as your decision. That was the same way you started off in life; you were not waiting for the critical analysis, and experts’ opinions before you took the first initiative to walk. Were you? No. In the same vein, the experts’ opinion, particularly, the highly respected people in your life and profession might not be helpful, especially in your quest to acquire wealth and financial independence. When I thought of asking people to pay to read my stuff on social media and discussed with so many experts, greater junk objected. But I did. Today, the rest is history. This is the simplest way to prove the liars wrong and frustrate their tokens. You have all it takes to prove the liars wrong. And, you have all it takes to frustrate their tokens. You prove them right by folding your arms and doing nothing. You prove them right by believing their judgment. You prove them right by dancing to their tune. Be bold. Be daring. Take the bull by the horns. Leap before you look and the liars will be ashamed and, their tokens frustrated. 

Make the move: Never think a step in the right direction will be popular or applauded. It is not the one in which the majority travel. A step in the right direction may not yield immediate productivity and profit, but it’s in your best interest to enroll on the journey. It may not profit in the now but in the long run. The journey to success, prosperity and a better life is a solo and lonely one. Lucky you, if you have an understanding companion. Many and most of your trusted friends will not believe in it. Many may even shut it down. But, in the long run, it will speak, and they will come to look for shade under it. Keep at it. Make the move!

Just do it: Yes. Just do it. I cannot thank my admirers and audience enough. I have enjoyed all forms of supports, particularly via Wisdom Today posts.  However, it may not be so for many others. My advice and encouragement for other orators, writers, motivators and preachers is, ‘just do it!’ They may not ‘like’ it but, they cannot deny your stuff. They may not ‘comment’ but they cannot deny your contribution. They may not ‘share’ your views, but they cannot deny the potency and weight it carries in their lives. Remember that out of ten lepers healed, only one came back to show appreciation to the master. If this could happen to the master; how much more you and I? Do not wait for recognition, ovation, award and reward to be a blessing to your world. Just do it! And leave the rest. In process of time, your reward will come.

By: John Alabi

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  1. Kelly hills says:

    Amazing and inspirational

  2. Kayode says:

    Glory. Don’t despise the days of your little beginnings, says the Scriptures

  3. Ali Isaac Ishaku says:

    Very inspiring! Good you’ve discovered your talent and I’d maximizing it to the good of all.

  4. Sylvester says:

    Highly thoughtful and inspiring

  5. Rufus Ishola says:

    Yes, you are right my Bishop. It’s true that ship is safe at seashore but that’s not what is made for. Adventuring is one of the key. Meeting you at greater heights platforms in Jesus name.

  6. Babafemi Omotosho says:

    God does not wait with the waiters.
    He only moves with the movers.
    I love this piece like as if it was mine.
    A very big thanks coach.


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