Bold, Beautiful & Business-minded | Brittany Ross
“When a woman goes through something, the first thing she wants to change is her hair.” Brittany B. Ross, a self-proclaimed “hairologist” explains her…
“When a woman goes through something, the first thing she wants to change is her hair.” Brittany B. Ross, a self-proclaimed “hairologist” explains her reasoning behind choosing to work in the cosmetic industry. In a world where beauty seems to be defined by the media’s standards, Ross uses her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for philanthropy to prove otherwise.
Brittany B. Ross, creator of B3 Accessories, owner of Sola Salon Studio, and avid community member, takes Richmond, Virginia by storm with her passion for helping people. Through her cosmetic work, which she brands as “Blushed By B. Ross,” she develops personal connections to her clients and builds community that is transferred from the style seat to the RVA streets. Her business epitomizes the concept of social entrepreneurship. Surprisingly, however, she didn’t always envision entrepreneurship for her life. “I studied performing arts for musical theater in New York. I saw myself always being on stage,” she explains. “Everyone is New York was so different.Everything was acceptable.” Not long after the culture shock of living in New York, Ross began to take notice of the living conditions of the city. “When you travel, you see people that don’t have it as good as you do.” This sparked an idea in her head. Entrepreneurs really have the power to make a difference and change society for the better through their work. With this mindset, Ross decided to go to cosmetology school and help women feel good about themselves from the inside out.
While in cosmetology school, Ross met her mentor, April O’Garro. It was O’Garro that taught Ross the importance of caring for others and of womanhood. Through her life lessons, Ross realized the importance of capitalizing on her talents and using her gifts to serve others. “She always said to me, ‘As much as you get, always give’.” These words resonated with Ross, as she makes it her mission to always give back in any way that she can. Through her work as a hair stylist, Ross is in the business of making women feel beautiful externally; however, she makes sure they leave with a renewed sense on internal beauty and peace by simply being a friend and mentor. “Your hair stylist should be your best friend,” she explains. “You can tell them anything and they will be unbiased.” By building relationships inside of her salon, Ross has created a network of connects that goes beyond the stylist chair.
It was through her salon that Ross met Pam Mines, Founder and President of Autism Awareness Organization, JPJumPers Foundation. Since the two of them have connected, Ross has hosted many of their charity events and helps to promote their cause inside her salon. Ross is also involved with RVA Feed the City and Richmond Friends of the Homeless. “I like to be involved as much as I can. I keep everything balanced, nothing is more important than the other.” Aside from her philanthropy work and her salon work, Ross also has her own line of jewelry called B3 Accessories. A women of many talents, Ross says what she enjoys most about her hectic lifestyle is the “freedom and quality of life.”
Much of her success would not be possible without her faith. Ross stresses the importance of believing the impossible to be possible. “If the sky can be blue and purple at the same time, I can be extraordinary too.” Ross also stresses the importance of networking. “You can’t just rely on social media to make connections. It is so important to meet people organically. You never know who you’re sitting next to.” Lastly, Ross emphasizes on taking risks. “Just go for it! If you have an idea, it’s been put in your mind for a reason.”
images courtesy Brittany Ross
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